Quadcopter manufacturing companies need quite a lot of funding to be able to continue innovating and supplying people from all around the world with high quality drones. Due to the fact that drones do not represent a market where millions of devices are sold every week, many companies are forced to look for ways to raise money and to come up with solutions to bring in investors.
DJI Wants To Raise $10 Billion
DJI, which is basically the world’s largest drone manufacturer, has recently started looking for investors. The main goal at DJI is to raise money somewhere to a $10 billion valuation, as it has been confirmed from various sources. An interesting factor to consider is that no one is certain as to how much the Shenzen, China quadcopter manufacturer wants to raise and what exactly it is for. But some reports indicate that they may be working hard on a new device, one that will shake the drone market.
An important fact to keep in mind is that being evaluated at $10 billion, would put DJI above all of the other drone manufacturers that have an influence on the market at this moment in time. To put things better into perspective, 3D Robotics, which is another popular drone manufacturer, has hardly managed to raise a total of $50 million at the beginning of this year. Other firms have faced similar issues, and no company has managed to raise as much as DJI is planning.
How Much is DJI Really Worth?
The DJI company may be definitely worth $10 billion, as economic analysts have gone ahead and evaluated the total 2014 sales that the company has made over at $500 million. Which is a figure that is very likely to double this year, since more and more people are considering purchasing drones. In parallel, 3D Robotics has only made a total of $50 million in sales this year, so it’s easy to see which of the two quadcopter companies is more popular.
In the case that all of the money they are looking for is raised, this would make DJI a very strong company with a lot of potential. Chances are that it may even be able to set a monopoly on the drone market, although this is unlikely right now. However, DJI should also be aware of the fact that it is expected from them to continue innovating and to offer more product choices to customers from all around the world.
Based on everything that has been outlined so far, what do you personally think about the amount that DJI is trying to be evaluated at? Do you think that they will continue releasing great drones/quadcopters in the future?